Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New Game Coming Soon!

Got a lot up in the past few days. Been working on a new game that is more of a party/social game. Should be pretty enjoyable and brain busting. Here is a little sneak peak of what is to come.

"The scales between God and the Devil are at an even match. It is judgment day and you have been called upon to decide who is right and who is wrong, and thus decide the fate of the cosmos. Only problem is, neither looks the part of God or the Devil. Two people stand before you in a suit and tie at a podium. A large scale stands behind them that is evenly balanced. The time has come for a grand debate of wits, which will you choose as the victor?"

Hope this teaser makes people interested. I should be finished with a first draft within about a week.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Card Game: To Kill a King

Here is a card game that I made after thinking of some type of game to make. It is a strategic card game for two players that is about protecting your king and killing the other players king.


To Kill a King

Street Fighter 4 Review

Street Fighter 4 Review: Back 2 two

Street Fighter 4 has been out for a while now, which has given much time to experiment and get the whole experience out of it. This game is a very solid game, which is a sigh of relief for all the fans of the series out there. The game delivers a very well structured fighting system that is sure to be a main contender for tournament play. This does not mean the game does not have its weak points, as every game in existence does. However the overall presentation of the game is hard to beat.

+Large variety of character types and diverse lineup available.

+Gorgeous art style brings the game’s original style into the next gen era.

+ Combat is very tightly tuned and flows nicely.

+Great online multiplayer system in place.

+Great for parties and tournaments.

+Training mode allows for players to learn and master the different combos each character has.

- Seth, the final boss in arcade mode, is overly hard to beat and just frustrating.

- Not very friendly to newcomers and those not proficient at fighting games.

- Step back from Street Fighter 3 by focusing on older characters instead of new characters.

-Need a joystick to get the real feeling of the game (especially for the Xbox 360).

-No real leap forward for the genre or series, just a small tweak on an existing game.

Although I have these criticisms, which might seem to be nitpicking, the game is still very good. I have highlighted these problem areas because for some people this could prove to be a deal breaker. The final boss, Seth, is extremely hard and can serve as a deterrent for many to actually continue playing the game. Although there is a training mode available, the overall difficulty of play isn’t really set for beginners looking to break into fighting games, unless they are up for a challenge. Furthermore, if you are to really get the most out of this game, you have to buy a fightpad-- preferably a fightstick. If you have an Xbox 360 then it is nearly impossible to play with the d-pad, although some have found the analogue stick to be fairly decent.

The main reason why I could not give this game a 5-star rating was because it didn’t make any real strides forward. The game played it very safe and close to its comfort zone. I would have really liked to see the game push the genre forward the way Street Fighter 3 did with the parry system and a total overhaul of the existing roster.

Bottom Line- Street Fighter 4 is an awesome fighting experience; however for those looking for a fighting game that will push the genre forward may not be as satisfied.

---Explanation of rating system---

*= Stay Away

**= Diehard fans need only apply

***= Pretty good game. Has its good points and equally bad points.

****= Very good game. You should definitely give it a look as you will most likely enjoy it.

*****= Amazing game! Comes around only so often and serves as the shining example of the potential of the industry.

Grand Opening

The time has finally come to start up a blog where everyone can see what is going on in my life as well as share in my worldview. I was always a little hesitant of setting up a public blog, however I would love to be able to share my thoughts and ideas with others.

I will be posting some of my articles from the website I write for as well as games that I have made. I hope people will make themselves at home here and will partake in some discussions about some of my articles and games. Feel free to post your thoughts, just please be rational and thoughtful with your responses. This is all I ask.

I just got done with 3 very busy days at GDC (Game Developers Conference) in my home town of San Francisco. I met a lot of people in the industry and got a very good feel for just how busy the games industry is. I learned a lot there that will help me to become a stronger game designer while I look for a job in the industry.

I encourage anyone interested in being a part of the video game industry to attend a GDC, wherever they may be held. There is a plethora of information to get, and lots of people to meet along the way.

This is about it for today. Hope to get some of my files up tonight and maybe a review as well.

-Kevin Sosa