Sunday, March 29, 2009

Grand Opening

The time has finally come to start up a blog where everyone can see what is going on in my life as well as share in my worldview. I was always a little hesitant of setting up a public blog, however I would love to be able to share my thoughts and ideas with others.

I will be posting some of my articles from the website I write for as well as games that I have made. I hope people will make themselves at home here and will partake in some discussions about some of my articles and games. Feel free to post your thoughts, just please be rational and thoughtful with your responses. This is all I ask.

I just got done with 3 very busy days at GDC (Game Developers Conference) in my home town of San Francisco. I met a lot of people in the industry and got a very good feel for just how busy the games industry is. I learned a lot there that will help me to become a stronger game designer while I look for a job in the industry.

I encourage anyone interested in being a part of the video game industry to attend a GDC, wherever they may be held. There is a plethora of information to get, and lots of people to meet along the way.

This is about it for today. Hope to get some of my files up tonight and maybe a review as well.

-Kevin Sosa

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